So, last weekend was a holiday weekend…again, haha. So I decided to take the opportunity to go and visit São Paulo. I have a mutualish friend living there named Julia who has been inviting me to come visit her, so I did. When I got to São Paulo I took a cab to her house which is GORGEOUS. That night, I hung out with Julia, her boyfriend Mateus and we went to her friends apartment where there was a little party. It was really fun and her friends were all really nice and fun. It was a fun group because they were all 24/25ish and they all had such interesting jobs. Julia works in film, her bf is an architect, and their other friends were architects, production assistants, working at MTV, psychologists etc. Very interesting group of people. On Thursday it was a bit rainy so we all slept in late and then we went and looked around this huge shopping mall, Shopping Iguatemi. It was a HUGE shopping mall and SOOO crowded when we went cuz it was Brazil’s Childrens day, like Mothers or Fathers Day…most Latin American countries have kids day. I think we in the US are getting the shaft by not having a kids day haha. Then that night we went out to dinner at this restaurant called The Fifties which is basically a much nicer version of an American Diner. Then on Friday, Julia had to work, but her boyfriend was soo nice and took me around São Paulo, to see various parts of the city. We went and saw his university, I think the University of São Paulo, which is the public university and it really reminded me of Stanford. Very different from PUC here. It was a huge with lots of grass and different buildings and very spread out. Then he drove me around the different city to see various areas, parks, museums, and various landmarks. It was a really nice overview of the city and it was great because I didn’t feel rushed to see everything since I think I will be going back to São Paulo many times in my future so it was a nice over view trip.
Then on Friday night we went to Julia’s family’s beach house on the Paulista Coast which is about 2 hours from the city. We went to beach called Barra de Sahy and it was so relaxing. Their house there is gorgeous. The people at the house were me, Julia, her parents, her boyfriend Mateus, Popola (Ricardo), Thais, Fe, and Bianca. All we did pretty much is relax at the beach, ate good food, had long great talks, watched movies and just hung out. Then on Sunday I went back to Rio.
Here are photos:

Mateus and Julia @ Popola’s Apartment

More São Paulo @ Night


São Paulo @ Night

Tom→ their dog that was brought in from the street

The two cute terriers.

The beach @ Barra de Sahy

The Beach


Their House

More house

The movie watching area

The house

Mateus, Julia, Thais


Julia and Me

Me and Thais

The Driveway
Overall it was a great trip and it was so fun to see São Paulo with nice people who live there. It was also extremely relaxing and calm and so amazing to meet new people and speak Portuguese all weekend.
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