Trip to the fazenda:
A few weeks ago I took a trip to an old fazenda (farm) in the mountains outside of rio. there, we hiked, rowed a raft across the river, ate 2.5 amazing meals, and just relaxed. When we got there had a full breakfast and then a great lunch, and then a really nice afternoon tea. All of which were excellent and delicious! Here are some pics from the fazenda.

On the hike at the fazenda!

At the Fazenda

The raft we rowed on!


The biggest cow I've ever seen!

The fazenda..a tad cloudy!

Funny face pic...courtney didnt get the memo. haha

Nice face..we all got the memo!

The fazenda main house!

A horse down in the grove. this was so pretty just seeing this horse doing his own thing. being wild.

More farm house!
THEN: the week after that I went to an engagment party of an acquaintance fo mine. She is American and the boy she is engaged to is Brazilian. She met him the first day she got to Brazil, and after about a week of knowing each other, they knew they were going to get married. Now they are both living together in Rio. Both of their families accepted and they are going to get married sometime next summer. Which brings us to their engagment party. it was cute and simple and they exchanged engagement rings, said "vows" and she sang a song for him. I truly wish them the best and hope it lasts.
Pics from the engagment party:

The engagement party. The Couple: Leslie and Orlando.

Yes he IS on is knee giving her a ring. SWOON!

AH cute couple!
Last week I had midterms. They werent EASY but they werent HARD. Except my portuguese one was hard. I'm also not used to midterms because I dont have them at Stanford. But more shocking than the midterms is the fact that I am more than halfway done my with my time here! AHH thats the scary part.
Two Sundays ago MY DAD came to Rio for the Film Festival, and it was fabulous. It was like a mini-vacation because I got to stay at two amazing hotels, the Copacabana Palace and Le Meridien. It was so fun to see him and we had a great week of fabulous meals and fun!
Here are the movies I saw at the festival:
Pequena Miss Sunshine (Haha)
Volver-Almodovar's New Film
O Ano em Que Meus Pais Sairem das Ferias
Proibido Proibir
The Departed
Overall my selection of the films was excellent as there were no duds in this group. I Loved The Departed a lot. it has a fantastic cast and a great story. (here's a little violent story for Reo: as the film ended a fight almost broke out in my theatre. it had to do with one guy talking and another guy wanting it to stay quiet during the credits. but people held them back. was almost a yeah...)
Volver was a great film. Not as WEIRD as the other Almodovar films, but had nice twists and humorous moments.
O Ano em Que Meus Pais Sairem das Ferias was a great Brazilian film that deals with life during the dictatorship and also has an interesting jewish aspect to it.
Babel I really liked but definitely didnt love it the way I loved the Departed.
There's not much other news besides that. The weather here has been not so good recently. It's been cloudy at best and rainy at worst. Hopefully it will get nice soon! In general I'm super busy here. I have three in class projects all due within the coming few weeks and the reason that is a pain is because next weekend is a holiday weekend and I am going to Sao Paulo from Wednesday-Sunday. So, I have to get work done on top of that.
ALSO time is FLYYYING by here it's shocking. I cant believe it is already october and soon november when school ends! this has been such a fantastic experience and I cant even believe it is going by so quickly.
Alright hope everyone is doing fantastically! My next update will be after Sao Paulo.
chris, once again an excellnet story. BUT i donot know the lesbian elementary school teacher story. please tell.
you're such handy guy...sewing holes in your jeans. haha at least you dont go commando...cuz that could be...awkward.
tell me more about spain and the pilgramige. ps the last two posts were amazing.
Yes, well, you know, of course, the movie (or, well, real post) won't have anything to do with that. Hehe, but I try.
On a slightly related side note: I hate the randomness of the letters in the word verification on comments. Couldn't they just do a real word like ticketmaster or something (even if it is a random word like tryst, at least it's still a word...) Hehe, have a good day!
CHRIS: excellent BWAB entries. as always they never fail to amuse. the lesbian teacher story was a weird twist i was not expecting. why did they go on the pilgrammage together if they were no longer friends? they seem like an extremely odd pair of people with their own odd history and drama hahaha. can u expand on the hallucengic drug thing? ya...thanks
and the gypsies, thats just too funny. it seems like they have drastically lost their skills if they no longer no how to pickpocket subtley...cuz then pickpocketing doesnt all.
also, explain the whole trail thing a bit more? it seems like you just run into people and people can catch up to you, etc? is it rather small and compact or what's the actual landscape of it?
ur bwabs are the best
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