So, about two weeks I ago, I went on the last Brown trip, to Ilha Grande, an island about 4 hours from Rio. It was a really great trip, and we stayed at a secluded pousada on the island. We were the only group of people there, and we had the place to ourselves. They cooked us amazing food and made us a campfire. It was so relaxing and I got to do some hiking and catching up on sleep and beaching. Enjoy some pictures from the trip!

Last Thursday, I met up with a bunch of friends in Baixo Gavea. This is the neighborhood where my university is. On Thursday nights people meet up there to drink in bars and then hang out on the street for a while. Usually it’s a pretty early night, because one can usually only stand out on the street drinking for so long. But, somehow Katherine and I turned in into a ‘get home at 6 am kind of night’. So for a while we were there drinking and hanging out, and then it got late and people were leaving, so we decided to go with these three friends of ours to a kiosk on the beach to hang out. Funny thing is, two of our friends, Ivan and David had biked there. So, they decided to follow us on their bikes while Katherine and I went in Alexandre’s car. It might not sound like much but it was SOOO funny to have these two bikes following us, and they were biking sooo hard to keep up with us, and when we arrived at the kiosk they were sweating so hard and nonetheless hilarious. Once at the Kiosk we stayed there talking, joking, and hanging out and it was SO much fun. We stayed there until about 5:30 and then David and Ivan went home, and Katherine, Alexandre and I headed to Pizza Guanabara…of course. And that’s how we made it into a get home at 6 am kind of night.
Ok Disclaimer about these photos! Haha! Not EVERYTHING I Do in Rio is going to be classy and cultural!

Katherine’s first shot gunned beer ever! A Job well done!

Then on that Friday night, I went with my friends Lillian and Martha to a bar called Emporio in Ipanema and then to a club called Baronetti. Emporio is a cute, hip but grungy alternativeish type bar, which I had never been to, but I liked a lot. Baronetti on the other hand, was the worst club I have been to in RIO. It’s so hyped up by so many people, and Katherine warned me against it, and I should have listened haha, but I just wanted to see it for myself. The things I disliked the most about it was just that it was SO crowded and overpriced and they only played techno and just not worth the money or effort to go. Nonetheless, I’m glad I went, even though I won’t venture there again.

On Saturday I DID NOTHIN CUZ I WAS SOOO TIRED FROM my already two nights of partying, and because Monday was a holiday I knew I had to rest up for Sunday night, which ended up BEING CRAZY. Also, I need to give credit to two websites I found online that provide links to American TV shows online so I caught up on ALL Seasons of the OFFICE, all of season 3 of Grey’s Anatomy, and all of Ugly Betty. It was an incredibly relaxing Saturday and I really needed it…
On Sunday I met up with Spence, his sister who was visiting from Texas named Lauren, Ivan, and Katherine to go to a club in Botafogo called Casa de Matriz. This club is UNBELIEVABLE. It is a house turned into a club. There is a dance floor and bar both up and downstairs and upstairs there are a bunch of rooms with couches and TVs where you can just chill out and talk and watch music videos. The other thing that’s is GREAT is that they play ROCK music. No techno, hip-hop or funk, JUST ROCK. Not that I don’t like those types of music, but it was just SO nice to dance and hang out with friends (and random strangers, as you will see in my photos! Haha!)

Katherine in front of the mural of what looks like an angry sperm with bad teeth…hmm?

There is one reason this photo is hilarious. This is Katherine, Spence’s Sister Lauren, and yes, A STRANGER. We have no clue who he was. But he was happy to be in our photo.

Funniest story: This guy came up to Katherine and said “my priest said that If I ever found a girl as beautiful as you, and didn’t kiss her, I would have to say 400 Ave Marias.” Katherine’s Response to the shady guy: “Well, you better start praying!” This guy was lammee

So, once again, you are completely caught up on everything with this blog entry. Shockingly, time has FLOWN by and next week is my last week of class including all of my tests! I am completely done with school on November 30! That is SOOO SOON! On Dec 3 I am going to the Pantanal with Katherine for a few days and we are SO EXCITED! I have loved Brazil sooo much and this has hands down been the best 6 months of my life. I guess I am just SOO happy here and feel really in my element. I really don’t want to leave, at all, but I know Chile will be great too!
Last night a friend in the same program as me, asked me if I thought I had either found myself or changed while in Brazil. That’s a really interesting question that I’m going to have to think about, before I respond to it. I’m definitely a different person (for the better) than I was before I came here, but the question is whether I not I found the “true me” or if various elements of my experience here have changed me. HMM. Something to ponder until the next blog!
i think this weekend *could* be crazy but i dont wanna jinx anything, so ya'll have to wait till next week to seee!
Happy thanksgiving y'all!!!
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