OI from Puc-Rio. I am at the big computer lab at PUC which is pretty nice. Today was one of those days in international living where I just had to go with the flow. First, I was sitting on a bench in front of the river that runs through PUC, and I had my sunglasses on my head, and someone said something funny, I laughed, threw my head back, and splash, there go my favorite ebay-bought-versace sunglassses into the PUC River. I looked down and couldnt see them, and also, its pretty impossible to get down to the river, so I said goodbye to my dear sunglasses. they did me well. I had them a good 3 years after buying them on ebay, and now they´ve met their end in a Rio in Rio. Perhaps its is quite fitting. They lived a goodlife.
THEN, we had to go to the policia federal to register ourselves, since we will be in Brasil for a long time, and low and behold, my mismarked visa that says I am in Brasil on BUSINESS, didnt fly...at all. SOOO, now I have to go to some office (with a nice lady from PUC) in the Centro do Rio, to get a NEW visa, that correctly says I am a student. Then I have to go BACK to la Policia to register with the proper visa. So, that all has to happen next week. But, I am going with the flow of it all.
Overall, Rio and everything is great. The kids in my program are nice and I'm getting close with a few of them. My room in the apartment I am staying in is great but the woman is a bit cray cray. She's kinda old and nutso, so we'll see if I move to an apartment or not. The problem is that the apartment is in a fantastic location, and I can walk to school, which I love. I'm currently considering different options, including one apartment with 3 other students where I would have my own room, and has a swimming pool, and is 2 blocks from the beach, but its not in the area I am in, and I'm not sure I want to move areas. Decisions decisions. (and its only $25 more than I am paying now for my room in the cray cray apartment.) hmmm.
I am LOVING Rio now more everday and I love walking to school and seeing the city. Saturday I am going on a city tour and next saturday we are going to Petropolis!
More later!!!!
Hi Hannahcakes!
I just read up on all of your posts and life sounds amazing!
The pictures are gloooorious, too. Brazil seems gorgeous. I wish I could be hanging out with you on the beaches and knockin' out crazy bitches that you have to shack up with.
lotsa love honey
yO!! sorry i totally managed to go 6 days without noticing that you had updated. =/
hope things are goin well. i'm sorry about your sunglasses. such gafas de sol (?) are hard to come by. they seemed pretty loyal to you though.
i'm currently at work. it is 4:52am my time. i've been here since 4. it's crazy. i was driving to work (at 3:45am...) and there was no one on the road. except this other car that was very obviously going to lockheed too.
i actually don't mind being here this early. once in a millenium isn't too bad. definitely couldn't do this everyday though lol. that was probably a no-brainer.
anyhow hope your brain is workin hard over there in rio. te extranho muito. =)
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