Here’s a new blog—in list form once again! No transitions between topics, but highlights of life here in Rio.
1. It’s raining again. Right now. My roommate and I were taking a lovely walk on the beach tonight and it started pouring rain—we came home soaking. Seriously, Rio? This is the most Rain everrrr! Where’s the sun?!!
2. My research is going well! I’m still working in the Biblioteca Nacional using a Rio de Janeiro city directory from 1897. The other day someone took my Microtext machine. Not cool. My machine is the best one—the only one I know how to load without asking for help. I cant let someone take it again! I think I’ll be going to UNICAMP in Mid-Late May to work with the peeps there and do some research at their archives—will keep you posted.
3. Last week there were two holidays in Rio. One on a Wednesday and one on a Friday. That’s CRAZY/makes no sense. Most people used it as a 5 day holiday, even though Thursday was technically not a government holiday. It just made me less productive. But, it was a fun week. I think Rio has 15 government holidays (federal + state/city). That’s NUTS!/Awesome.
4. Last weekend they had this festival in Rio called the Viradao Carioca, which had a ton of free concerts, shows, etc. I went to one with some friends on Friday night where Cidade Negra was playing (a Brazilian Reggae group) and then had a DJ playing Baile Funk. It was really fun. And free! And outdoors! And soo fun! And too hot!
It might be hard to see in this photo, but there are like 6-7 guys all peeing again these two concrete things near this building. It's so funny because a) its more or less illegal/prohibited from peeing on the streets in Rio now (or at least it was during carnaval) and b) there were like 50 porto pottys 15 feet away. ahhh brazil.
Guys dancing to Funk music.
More dancing.
"The Scene".
By the way a "X-tudo" is actually a "Cheese Tudo" which is a cheeseburger with everything on it.
There were tons of carts at the concert selling: beer, caipirinhas, soda, water, cheesburgers, hotdogs, popcorn, french fries, meat on a stick, filled churros, and I'm sure more.
5. Last night I went to a restaurant with Pizza Rodizio. Which is a restaurant where the waiters bring a bunch of different types of pizzas to you and you can have as much or little as you want, plus they have dessert pizzas. It’s awesome. It was R$15, which is $8.50. That’s NUTS. For a nice restaurant, where you can sit for hours and try a bajillion types of pizza. So good. If you (ANYONE) comes to Rio, I promise I will take you there. Also, Hawaiian Pizza here in Brazil is called Californian Pizza. Who knew? I think Pineapple and Ham seems much more Hawaiian to me than Californian, but maybe Brazilians think California is like Hawaii?
6. We had a MASSIVE butterfly come into our house last weekend and park there for like 1.5 days. It was hugely prehistoric sized, and very Brazil like. And then it went away. But, it really reminded me I was in Brazil.
7. I went shopping at this awesome store here in Rio that is plastic/acrylic jewelry, boxes, picture frames etc. These are two pairs of earrings I got there recently!

I’ll blog more soon!! Now I’ve been reminded of how easy it is to do these list blogs—so I’ll be doing more soon!! Also, I'm going to be taking and posting more pictures now!! Blogger has updated it's interface which makes posting photos way more pleasant!
Hope you are all doing well!!